The change: into the depth of reality!

Knowing “life” is blissful!

Understanding the change!!

In today’s blog let’s take one more step to dive into the depth of reality! To understand the change let’s take the example of tiredness. I have gone through extreme tiredness, boredom, and low energy but magically every time I came out of it. The nature of life is change, the nature of life is circular. The mind thinks it’s linear and does all kinds of nonsense out of fear. When you are tired take a rest; live it fully and tiredness will vanish. If you force yourself to come out of it. You will live even tiredness incomplete. Then your entire day will be tired. Incomplete living is the only reason for suffering. In low energy, if we think of exercise, gym, or any work, it seems highly impossible and difficult. We worry unnecessarily about accomplishing so many things. This is the mistake.

Life is effortless, it happens by itself naturally. Just you should live it fully. When tired take complete rest and you will see later you will get so much energy to exercise or do any work. Life happens with excitement, love, bliss-ananda effortlessly. Restless minds keep running all over, and you live everything incomplete. Every work happens in the desired way at the desired time. Don’t become violent to finish it early. It produces immature results. Like a three months immature baby. Baby takes nine months to grow fully and become mature then it’s ready for life. If a three-month baby comes out it will be dead. The same is true with life. Don’t violently try to accomplish more. That’s the reason for poor performance and all sufferings, struggles, and failures. Anything you do allow it to get complete maturity. That’s intelligent living, that’s the end of suffering and the beginning of living the limitless possibilities of life!

Thank you very much and let’s meet in the next blog with some more insights! Till then take care!


The realization!

The realization is happening, the truth is eternal!

In the previous blog we have discussed delusion, let’s discuss today the realization. To make you understand this I would like to give you a simple example. Look at you, you are changing continuously. You were a baby, you became young, you are getting old. Have you notice this process of life? You are changing all the time sometimes you are angry, sometimes you are scared, sometimes you are ill, sometimes healthy, happy, sad, and so on.

There are so many forms of you, and they keep changing. We never notice it, but it’s happening all the time. One thing you must understand by now there is part of you that keeps changing and you strongly believe it’s you. But in reality, it’s a consequence of a huge cosmic life process. There is part of you that is running the entire process, which is the ultimate principle of the cosmos. The principle that doesn’t change. When you become aware of this principle that’s is realization.

There are five aspects of the universe- creation, sustenance, destruction, evolution, and liberation. All these five aspects run with one cosmic principle. All these five happenings are part of you which is changing part of you. And the delusion that we have discussed in the previous blog is getting lost, not understanding this process. And the higher principle of life you can understand by the realization that comes by getting silent, and with awareness.

We will discuss the ways to bring realization in upcoming blogs!

The delusion!!

Hello everyone, I am starting a series of blogs: “Living the Limitless Possibilities of Life”! Let’s discuss “delusion”! The most misunderstood term in this blog.

Our reality is the projection of our mind and senses. Our mind is filled with limiting beliefs and ideas. It creates fear, worry, anger, and all kinds of negativity. But for us, that’s reality because it becomes the true experience of our life.

In addition to that people around with deluded minds give a lot of negative ideas to you. Then minds trust becomes even stronger. So if you understand this it’s a collective delusion of people. It’s collective ideas, beliefs, and mindsets of negativity and impossibilities. It’s a collective delusion that’s keeping us in bondage.

And the sad truth is we believe it as a reality. There is something higher to this deluded reality, something which is higher than the mind’s projections and something with which the entire cosmos functions. I will talk about it next blog.

About me

Throughout my life, I was looking for an answer, what creation is about? I was looking for a way to get the best out of me, a way to be abundant without limitations. I studied Science, Engineering, Astronomy, Psychology, Metaphysics, Spiritual Science. Before learning spirituality I use to think it’s from the outside world we get all that we want in life and somehow I have to learn some formula to get everything. After a long struggle, the formula I found is Oneness: Sat-Chit-Ananda. After a deeper understanding of reality what I found is being aware fully, consciously in the present moment is the highest form of intelligence and nothing is outside to make me happy and fulfilled. It’s the formula about which all the awakened masters have spoken throughout history and will go on speaking about it. This formula is the doorway to know ultimate!

I started ‘Bliss Secrets: Limitless Possibilities of Life’ mission to share cosmic wisdom instead of keeping it with me. If I share my understandings with the world, the world too will be benefited from it and enjoy it !!